Bee Venom Intensive Anti-Aging
Moisturising Cream is a multifunctional cosmetic which kickstarts the
body’s own production of Collagen and Elastin – the key factors to
restoring younger, healthier, skin by decreasing the appearance of lines
and wrinkles. It works in harmony with the body’s systems and is
non-invasive or painful like surgery, skin peels, or injections.
Alpha Lipid Bee Venom Intensive
Moisturising Cream is the only skin care product containing New
Zealand’s Alpha Lipid Colostrum which provides TGF (Transforming Growth
Factors) to promote skin cell repair and renewal.
Key active ingredients:
Bee Venom
Natural exotic oils such as jojoba, almond, macadamia seed
Manuka Honey
Evening Primrose
Shea Butter
How does New Image extract the Bee Venom?
The bee venom is ingeniously extracted when the bee lands on a glass
pane which has a light electrical current running through it. The bee
reacts by stinging the glass and leaves the venom behind to be
collected, without the bee dying. How to use:
This product is suitable for use by all men and women except those
allergic to bee stings. We recommend to test on a small area of skin
before first use and wait 20 minutes. If there are no adverse effects
then continue applying to your face. Everyone’s skin is unique so you
might experience a slight tingling sensation which is normal. You can
also use this product as a Night Cream. Apply a generous layer over the
face and neck and leave on overnight. In the morning use it again as a
Day Cream. For best results apply twice daily and use within 12 months
after opening.
50g/ 1.76oz
Anda mempunyai masalah kulit yang serius seperti kedutan, garis-garis halus, kulit kusam, kering, pucat, jerawat dan sebagainya.
ingin kenalkan kepada anda satu produk kecantikan/anti penuaan yang
sangat berkesan. Saya sendiri menggunakan dan ianya memberi kesan yang
sangat positif pada kulit muka saya.
Anda pernah dengar Alpha
Lipid? Sejenis jenama produk supplement kecantikkan dan kesihatan
keluaran New Image yang telah lama stabil dan mendapat kepercayaan dari
Terbaru, mereka telah keluarkan satu lagi produk
kecantikkan New Zealand yang berkesan, laris dan mendapat sambutan besar
bukan sahaja di Malaysia tetapi diseluruh Asia.
New Image Alpha Lipid Bee Venom
Alpha Lipid Bee Venom telah lama terkenal diluar negara dan dijual
dengan harga yang mahal. Ramai artis-artis antarabangsa menggunakan
Alpha Lipid Bee Venom ini.
Bee Venom baru sahaja masuk ke pasaran
Malaysia dan mendapat permintaan yang tinggi kerana ramai yang sudah
tahu tentang keberkesanan produk kecantikkan dan krim anti penuaan ini.
Memiliki Sijil Halal dan selamat digunakan.
New Zealand Pure Bee
Venom memberi tenaga dan menapis tekstur kulit. Menjadikan kulit lebih
tegang dan lembut. Menampilkan kulit yang licin, muda dan berseri.
Alpha Lipid Colostrum menyediakan TGF (Faktor Pertumbuhan Tranforming) A
dan B iaitu menggalakkan percambahan sel, pembaiki tisu,
penyelenggaraan dan penyembuhan pada kulit.
EGF (Epidermal Growth
Factor) dan memperbaharui sel pembaikan kulit. Paten Alpha Lipid
Micro-Nutrient Sistem mempercepatkan penembusan berharga Bee Venom
molecules dan nutrien ke dalam sel-sel kulit.
Mengaktifkan lapisan
dalam kulit dan dapat bekerja dengan lebih cekap. Perubahan yang
ketara, terbaik dan berkualiti. Membuat kulit anda kelihatan lebih muda
dan mencapai keputusan yang paling wajar.
Kelebihan Alpha Lipid Bee Venom
Lipid Bee Venom adalah satu-satunya produk penjagaan kulit yang
mengandungi New Zealand Alpha Lipid Colostrum yang menggalakkan
pembaikan dan pembaharuan pada sel kulit seperti melakukan botox.
bezanya anda tidak perlu menyuntik botox pada kulit muka hanya perlu
sapu krim Bee Venom sahaja. Ia adalah krim kecantikan yang mempunyai
pelbagai fungsi yang merangsang pengeluaran Kolagen dan Elastin dari
Berfungsi secara harmoni dengan sistem badan kita dan tidak
invasif atau menyakitkan seperti melakukan pembedahan, pertukaran kulit
atau suntikan seperti botox.
Faktor utama adalah untuk memulihkan
kulit supaya lebih kelihatan muda dan sihat dengan mengurangkan
garis-garis halus dan kedutan di muka.
Bahan-bahan Aktif Utama:
Bee Venom, Natural Exotic Oils seperti Jojoba, Badam, Biji Macadamia, Madu Manuka, Evening Primrose dan Shea Butter.
Kulit Cantik Dan Muda Dengan Bee Venom
Antara punca utama masalah kulit adalah faktor umur, pemakanan dan persekitaran.
umur meningkat, kulit akan menghadapi masalah kedutan terutama pada
wajah. Semua wanita menitikberatkan kecantikkan dalaman dan luaran.
kita tidak ambil peduli akan menjadi serius dan pastinya mula hilang
keyakinan diri kerana malu dengan kulit yang bermasalah teruk.
Alpha Lipid Bee Venom adalah revolusi terkini keluaran New Image yang
pertama menggunakan madu manuka sebagai bahan utama. Satu krim
kecantikan yang selamat untuk merawat tanda-tanda awal penuaan kulit
tanpa perlu melakukan suntikan botox yang pastinya menyakitkan. Tidakbalas positif Bee Venom paling berkesan adalah…
Kulit menjadi lembab
Jeragat semakin pudar
Jerawat cepat mengecut
Kedutan semakin hilang
Menghilangkan pigmentasi
Kulit lebih halus, anjal, gebu dan tegang
Kulit semakin cerah dan segar
Tona kulit semakin sekata dan glowing
Cara Penggunaan Bee Venom
ini sesuai digunakan pada semua jenis kulit muka baik lelaki atau
wanita. Kecuali yang alah kepada sengatan lebah. Kulit setiap orang
adalah unik dan berbeza. Ada yang sesuai, ada yang tidak.
habiskan sebotol Bee Venom untuk melihat tidakbalas dan
keberkesanannya. Anda mungkin mengalami rasa pedih sedikit jika
permukaan kulit anda bermasalah. Itu adalah biasa.
Bee Venom
berfungsi sebagai krim siang dan krim malam. Untuk hasil yang terbaik
sapukan ke kulit muka dua kali sehari iaitu pada waktu pagi dan sebelum
Krim siang (Day Cream) – Setiap pagi sapukan ke muka sebagai krim siang sebelum anda memakai alat solek.
Krim Malam (Night Cream) – Perlahan-lahan sapukan ke lapisan kulit muka dan leher dan biarkan semalaman.
Untuk dapatkan Alpha Lipid Bee Venom Intensive Anti Aging Moisturising Cream, anda boleh hubungi saya:
Alpha Lipid® Lifeline® The original colostrum breakfast drink. Key Features: Alpha Lipid®’s unique formulation has added calcium for bone and muscle health Supports: Healthy immunity1 Gut health and digestive comfort Healthy energy levels
Active Ingredients per dose: 2,000mg Bovine Colostrum providing: 300mg immunoglobulins 1,000mg calcium 1 billion CFU probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus & bifidobacterium) Contains key vitamins and minerals Dosage: 1 ½ scoops (16g) Mix with 150ml of either water or milk – shake well in a Turbo Shaker to combine Take 30 minutes before eating This product is not recommended for use by children under the age of 5 years, except under advice from a medical practitioner. Code/Quantity: 8413 / 450g Can Related Products: Colostem® Cellworx® Alpha Lipid® Tablets Alpha Lipid® Capsules Turbo Shaker Always read the label and use as directed. If symptoms persist see your healthcare professional
Founded in 1984, New Image International is one of the pioneers of
health products and direct selling in the Asia Pacific region. Our Founding Chairman, Graeme Clegg, has pioneered the health-giving
benefits of colostrum, the linchpin ingredient for many of our products,
for more than 30 years. He is an internationally respected expert on
its properties. Based in New Zealand, New Image Group reaches customers through a
rapidly growing group of independent Representatives in Australia, Hong
Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore,
South Africa, Taiwan, India and Thailand. These days, few fast growing companies last for more than five years
and only a handful last for 29 years. New Image’s enduring success is
based on four key ingredients: great products, effective systems,
incredible people and an entrepreneurial spirit.
Mission Statement
New Image will provide an equal opportunity for people worldwide to
unite and enhance their quality of life through sustainable free
enterprise marketing of high quality products in accordance with our
commitment to health, financial security and personal development.
Our goal is to enhance the health and well-being of people throughout
the world, leveraging the power of colostrum as the essence for life.
Systems and People
A core team of industry leaders has developed the most advanced
networking systems in Asia Pacific. Unlike other established companies,
we use the latest processes from competence-based training to internet
management systems.
With online communications, presentations and coaching workshops, New
Image has the complete support programme for the new person. The
Leadership Rewards Programme has the greatest potential of any in our
region due to its innovative share option scheme.
“We believe there is an entrepreneurial spirit in everyone”, says
founder Graeme Clegg. “All you have to do is release it. Our programme
has helped countless people experience new success. Experience new
confidence. Experience the joy of helping people discover positive
health. We are going to astound you with our success.”
Guiding Principles and Values
Quality will never be compromised. A priority of our business is to maintain exceptional quality across all of our products. Continuous improvement in all aspects of our business is our policy. A
high standard of on-going training will be provided for both staff and
Representatives. Satisfied customers are more than important – they are the life force of this company. All employees and Representatives are vital members of our team. Participation and mutual respect are valued. Ethical and moral business practices will be pursued at all times.
Traditions and culture will be respected in any country of operation. The value of our company lies in its people. We are an equal opportunity company.
Become the most successful free enterprise marketing company in the world. Ensure maximum benefits for the maximum number of people. Provide environmentally sound products and manufacturing processes.
Founded in 1984, New Image International is one of the pioneers of
health products and direct selling in the Asia Pacific region.
Our Founding Chairman, Graeme Clegg, has pioneered the health-giving
benefits of colostrum, the linchpin ingredient for many of our products,
for more than 30 years. He is an internationally respected expert on
its properties.
Based in New Zealand, New Image Group reaches customers through a
rapidly growing group of independent Representatives in Australia, Hong
Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore,
South Africa, Taiwan, India and Thailand.
These days, few fast growing companies last for more than five years
and only a handful last for 29 years. New Image’s enduring success is
based on four key ingredients: great products, effective systems,
incredible people and an entrepreneurial spirit.
Mission Statement
New Image will provide an equal opportunity for people worldwide to
unite and enhance their quality of life through sustainable free
enterprise marketing of high quality products in accordance with our
commitment to health, financial security and personal development.
Our goal is to enhance the health and well-being of people throughout
the world, leveraging the power of colostrum as the essence for life.
Systems and People
A core team of industry leaders has developed the most advanced
networking systems in Asia Pacific. Unlike other established companies,
we use the latest processes from competence-based training to internet
management systems.
With online communications, presentations and coaching workshops, New
Image has the complete support programme for the new person. The
Leadership Rewards Programme has the greatest potential of any in our
region due to its innovative share option scheme.
“We believe there is an entrepreneurial spirit in everyone”, says
founder Graeme Clegg. “All you have to do is release it. Our programme
has helped countless people experience new success. Experience new
confidence. Experience the joy of helping people discover positive
health. We are going to astound you with our success.”
Guiding Principles and Values
Quality will never be compromised. A priority of our business is to maintain exceptional quality across all of our products.
Continuous improvement in all aspects of our business is our policy. A
high standard of on-going training will be provided for both staff and
Satisfied customers are more than important – they are the life force of this company.
All employees and Representatives are vital members of our team. Participation and mutual respect are valued.
Ethical and moral business practices will be pursued at all times.
Traditions and culture will be respected in any country of operation.
The value of our company lies in its people. We are an equal opportunity company.
Become the most successful free enterprise marketing company in the world.
Ensure maximum benefits for the maximum number of people.
Provide environmentally sound products and manufacturing processes.
– No Health, No Future…”The healthy have many wishes; the sick only have
one.”I have never forgotten this truism I heard many years ago and it
is more applicable today than any other time in history. Our bodies are
constantly under attack from our toxic stressful world. The challenge is
how do we remain healthy?
Personal tragedy brought home to me the reality that prevention is a
thousand times more practical than the cure. The tragedy of losing my
mother, father and younger brother to cancer brought home the grim
reality that I was also possibly programmed to become a similar victim. I
did not want to die as life had too much to offer so I was faced with
two choices, 1. Leave my life to chance; or 2. Make a choice to do
something about it.
New Image is 26 years of my doing something about it. I am in fact,
living proof of excellent health and vitality. Since I started New
Image, I have never had a day sick. Many people have observed my
exuberant energy, my zest for life, my positive outlook and healthy
wellbeing as I travel, speaking about our products (my passion). I am
delighted to hear the amazing success stories from thousands of people
as I travel around the Asia Pacific region.
We have pioneered many products and our greatest success has been
with Colostrum. This product is nature’s answer to mankind’s greatest
health concern – our weakened immune function. We are proud to be the
first retailer, the largest retailer and greatest champion of nature’s
‘wonder product’. I hope you take this everyday.
I hope we can welcome you into our family of customers and support you in your quest for great health and vitality.